Disruptive Passengers Conference

12 October 1999

A Conference Presented by the Human Factors Group
of the Royal Aeronautical Society

Papers and Materials on Disruptive Passengers


Conference Program.PDF  (Requires Acrobat Reader)
Conference Program.RTF

1. Presentations, Reports and Projects

Changing Attitudes Toward Inflight Violence and Developing Workable Solutions  Mr. Michael Sheffer, Skyrage Foundation. (Requires Acrobat Reader)

Disruptive Passengers: Some Legal Aspects  Capt. Russ Kane (Requires Acrobat Reader)

Violence in the Skies  Mr. Patrick Donovan, M.D., React Ltd. (Requires Powerpoint Viewer or Powerpoint for Win95/Office 97)

2. Background

DISPAX Conference Attendees
ANO Amendment art. 59A, Amendment to the Air Navigation Order
Unruly Passengers.

An IFALPA Policy statement
An IFALPA Briefing of the Air Navigation Commission on Unruly Passengers, ICAO – May 28 1999 Peter T. Reis
RAeS HFG: Background on the Royal Aeronautical Society Human Factors Group (requires Acrobat Reader)
FAA A/C 120-65, “Interference with Crewmembers in the Performance of their Duties”  FAA AFS-200

3. Links

IFALPA Web Site: International Federation of Airline Pilot’s Associations