The CRM Advisory Panel is affiliated to the RAeS through its links to the Human Factors Committee of the RAeS Learned Societies Board.
The qualification process for CRM training is specified in CAA STANDARDS DOCUMENT 29 Version 6: Guidance on the requirements that pertain to Flightcrew for the training and testing of Human Factors under EASA Part – ORO and EASA Part – FCL
Standards Document 29 has been substantially re-written to provide guidance for individuals and Operators subject to the requirements of EASA Part FCL and Part ORO with regard to the training and testing of CRM, including recognisable human factors and behavioural markers. A copy of this document can be obtained from the CAA website:
Standards Document 29 may also be downloaded directly from this website. Appendix 7 of Doc 29 contains the Terms of Reference for the Advisory Panel.
Also relevant to the CRMAP remit is CAP 737, the Air Crew Human Factors Handbook.