Planning for the Unpredictable

Human Factors in Safety Management and Emergency Response

06 October 2010

A Conference presented by

the Human Factors Committee

of the Royal Aeronautical Society

4 Hamilton Place, London W1

6th October 2010


The conference examined the way incidents and emergencies develop and how various agencies and sectors plan for and respond to them, from airborne first alarm to airport ERP and emergency responders, to post-incident support. A particular focus is the unpredictability of human error and the difficulty of realistically assessing and planning for these as part of SMS and ERP development and implementation.

The conference features leading international expert Capt. Dan Maurino (ICAO ret’d) and authoritative guidance from CAA, NATS, BAA and other agencies, as well as practical examples including the anatomy of the 2005 Helios crash. There will be a panel discussion and Q&A chaired by Prof. Jim Reason to answer any questions about SMS implementation and Emergency Response.

The conference was expected to be valuable for anyone involved in incident and emergency response both in-flight and after landing, particularly CRM I/Es and HF staff, SMS managers, emergency planners, airside emergency services, pastoral support staff, cabin crew and flight deck. It was expected to be particularly useful for SMS developers dealing with Human Factors hazard integration.

All presentations are copyright (c) 2010 by their authors and the Royal Aeronautical Society. Edited audio streams are shown where available. Full conference proceedings are available from the Royal Aeronautical Society Conference Office: Conference [at]

Human Factors in Emergency Response and Safety Management

Time Speaker Topic
0830 Reception and Registration Tea/Coffee
0900 Barry Neal (Chair RAeS HFG) Welcome from the RAeS Human Factors Group (MP3)
0905 Prof. Jim Reason (Emeritus Professor Manchester University) Conference Chairman opens proceedings (MP3)
Daniel Maurino (ICAO ret’d) The integration of HF into SMS (MP3)
0955 Simon Roberts (SMS Programme Manager, UK CAA) Update on HF and SMS Implementation (MP3)
1035 Break Tea/coffee
1050 Major Panos Stathopoulos (F16 Pilot, Hellenic Tactical Air Force/Flight Safety Branch) The Helios Accident and Considerations Arising (PDF)
1130 Dr. Anne Isaac (NATS) What are the HF implications of an emergency for ATC (ZIP)
1205 Luncheon
1305 Chairman’s presentation RAeS Human Factors Group Lifetime Achievement Award
1315 Neil Pritchard (Airside Operations Manager for BAA at Heathrow) LHR Emergency Response and human factors planning
1350 Rien Doorn (NATS CISM Programme Manager) (Biog) Critical Incident Stress Management in ATC (PPT) (MP3)
1425 Break Tea/coffee
1435 Rev. John Mackerness (Heathrow Airport Chaplaincy Team) Pastoral Involvement – the Invisible Safety Net (PDF) (MP3)
1510 John Ashbey (LCGI, MEPS)
(Gatwick Divisional Emergency Planning Officer)
Gatwick Airport emergency planning – the human factor (MP3)
1545 Workshop on Operator approaches to HF integration in SMS SMS in Action: Is “Human Factors” better described as “Human performance deficiencies in aviation operations in the context of service delivery“?   How can an effective SMS identify, quantify and support these issues?   (Briefing DOC)
1645 Chairman’s Summary, Close of Proceedings

Related Information
SMS Definition: B. Neal, Chair, Human Factors Committee
Importance of Trust in SMS by Rhona Flin and Calvin Burns; University of Aberdeen & University of Strathclyde, UK
Safety vs. Law in Safety Management by B. Neal, Chair, Human Factors Committee


RAeS Human Factors Group Lifetime Achievement Award