The Way We Do Things Around Here

Culture in the

Aviation Maintenance and

Engineering Environment

08 May 2013

A Conference presented by the

Human Factors Engineering Group

of the Royal Aeronautical Society

Vincent Building, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire



Culture is a term that nearly everyone uses, but few can agree upon its precise meaning or how it can be measured. One thing that is agreed upon, however, is its potential impact on the safety performance of an organization.

There are an abundance of definitions in social science literature … which taken together do suggest two sub-divisions. The first comprises the beliefs, attitudes and values (often unspoken) of an organization’s membership. The second is the more concrete structures, practices, controls and policies of an organisation.

This Conference is all about exploring the criticality of culture, some of the key issues and how addressing culture becomes a positive force for improvement in any organization. Civil, military and other complex environments will all feature as we explore and explain “the way we do things around here” from an aviation engineering and maintenance perspective.

Please select presentations from the agenda below.


All presentations are copyright (c) 2012 by their authors and the Royal Aeronautical Society. Information and papers presented here are not intended for sale or redistribution without written consent from their authors. Note: Many of the presentations and papers provided require Adobe Acrobat, a standard document viewing application.  This is available free:


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Conference Brochure


Time Title Speaker
0920 Opening Welcome Andy Ebdon, Chairman Human Factors Group: Engineering, Royal Aeronautical Society
0930 What is Culture? Prof Graham Braithwaite, Head, Department of Air Transport, Cranfield University
1000 What is Going on Out There? Keven Baines, Managing Director, Baines Simmons Ltd.
1030 Networking Break for Coffee
1100 Influencing Culture in Design Doug Owen, Principle Consultant, LR Scandpower Ltd.
1130 Culture Issues in Another Complex
Martin Bromiley,Founder and Chairman, Clinical Human Factors Group
1200 Discussion panel NA
1230 Networking Lunch
1330 An Engaged Culture: Reality and
Air Cdre Robbie Noel, Assistant Director Joint Commitments Air, Ministry of Defence & Dr Mandy Walker, Managing Director, QI Results
1400 The Way We Do Things Around Here and There and Around the Globe David Sidaway, Head of Manufacturing Engineering,Rolls-Royce, Gas Turbine Services
1430 Coffee
1500 Doing it for Real Mick Adams, Managing Director Monarch Aircraft Engineering
1530 Discussion Panel