22nd Maintenance Human Factors Symposium:

Taking HF and Safety Management

Systems into the Next Decade

The Human Factors Engineering Standing Group of the

Royal Aeronautical Society Human Factors Group

Royal Aeronautical Society

4 Hamilton Place, London W1

Tues 25 May/Weds 26 May


Please see the Symposium Brochure for booking and joining advice.


Proceedings are free to delegates and can also be obtained from the Royal Aeronautical Society Conference Office in the form of hard-copy Proceedings.  All presentations are copyright by the Royal Aeronautical Society and their authors (c) 2010.

08.20 Registration and Coffee
08.50 Welcome and Opening Remarks, Simon Roberts, SMS Programme Manager, UK CAA
09.00 Keynote Address
Dave King, Chief Inspector of Air Accidents, AAIB
09.40 Introduction
Andrew Haines, Chief Executive Officer, CAA
09.55 What the Data Tells Us
Andy Ebdon, Chairman, HFG:E, Royal Aeronautical Society
10.30 Break for Coffee and networking
11.00 SMS for Business Performance or Regulatory Compliance
Kevin Baines, MD Baines Simmons
11.40 SMS and Human Factors in Canada
Jacqueline Booth-Bordeaux, Chief, Technical and National Programs, Transport Canada
12.20 Lunch sponsored by Rolls Royce
13.20 Culture
David Marx, Chief Executive Officer, Outcome Engineering
14.00 A Success Story
Alan Shuttleworth, Training Manager, Etihad Airways
14.35 Break
15.05 RAF ‘Can Do’ Safely Campaign
AVM Nick Kurth, Chief of Staff Support, HQ Air Command
15.45 An Accountable Manager’s View
Implementing HF and SMS in an Asian Culture
Dr. Angus Cheung, CEO, China Aircraft Services Ltd.
Kenny So, Snr Airworthiness Officer, CAA, Hong Kong, China
16.25 HF in Engine Maintenance
Alan Ecclestone, Chief Airworthiness Engineer, Rolls-Royce plc
17.00 Concluding Remarks
17.15 Evening Reception
Day 2: 08.30 Registration and Coffee
09.00 Introduction
Simon Roberts, SMS Programme Manager, UK CAA
09.10 Guest Speaker
David Learmount, Operations and Safety Editor, Flight International
09.50 Parallel Workshop Sessions
-Maintenance LOSA,
-Small Operations,
12.20 Lunch
13.20 Smelly Cheese, Ripe Fruit: Is there more to Maintenance HF?
Dr. William Johnson, Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor for HF in A/C Maintnenance Systems, US FAA
14.00 Charting the Future
Panel Session with Mick Adams (Monarch), Prof. Graham Braithwaite (Cranfield), Dave King (AAIB), Steve McNair, Flybe, J-P Renaud, EASA.
15.15 The Battle for Resources: Where do we go from Here?
Speaker Panel
16.10 Discussion and Concluding Remarks